Explaining paleoecology and micromammal remains at Langmahdhalde, a Paleolithic site in southwest Germany.
“The Return to Southwest Germany: When and Why Paleolithic Hunter-Gatherers Settle Here at the End of the Ice Age”
March 16, 2024. Lecture for the El Paso Archaeological Society and the El Paso Museum of Archaeology.
March 16, 2024. Lecture for the El Paso Archaeological Society and the El Paso Museum of Archaeology.
“Zooarchaeology, Microfauna Fun, and Career Flexibility with Dr. Gillian Wong”
Podcast Interview with Women In Archaeology: Archaeology About, For, and By Women in the Field, February 27, 2022. (available online: https://womeninarchaeology.com/2022/02/27/zooarchaeology-microfauna-fun-and-career-flexibility-with-dr-gillian-wong/)
Podcast Interview with Women In Archaeology: Archaeology About, For, and By Women in the Field, February 27, 2022. (available online: https://womeninarchaeology.com/2022/02/27/zooarchaeology-microfauna-fun-and-career-flexibility-with-dr-gillian-wong/)
“What did Germany look like when people returned to it as the Ice Age ended?”
Feb. 21, 2022. Creswell Crags Museum and Heritage Centre (UK) online lecture series.
Feb. 21, 2022. Creswell Crags Museum and Heritage Centre (UK) online lecture series.
“Microfauna, Langmahdhalde, and being a Military Spouse with Dr. Gillian Wong”
Podcast Interview with A Life in Ruins Podcast, Episode 83, November 22, 2021. (available online: https://www.alifeinruins.com/podcast)
Podcast Interview with A Life in Ruins Podcast, Episode 83, November 22, 2021. (available online: https://www.alifeinruins.com/podcast)
“Umweltrekonstruktionen – Was uns Mäuseknochen über die Steinzeit erzählen können” (Environmental reconstruction – what mouse bones can tell us about the stone age)
Sept. 26, 2020. Archäopark Vogelherd, Niederstotzingen-Stetten, Germany. Virtual public lecture (in German) as part of the temporary exhibit “Der Vogelherd – Wildes Lonetal.” (available online: https://www.foerderverein-eiszeitkunst.de/mediathek/umweltrekonstruktionen-was-uns-maeuseknochen-ueber-die-steinzeit-erzaehlen-koennen/)
Sept. 26, 2020. Archäopark Vogelherd, Niederstotzingen-Stetten, Germany. Virtual public lecture (in German) as part of the temporary exhibit “Der Vogelherd – Wildes Lonetal.” (available online: https://www.foerderverein-eiszeitkunst.de/mediathek/umweltrekonstruktionen-was-uns-maeuseknochen-ueber-die-steinzeit-erzaehlen-koennen/)
“Animal Bones and Teeth – Stone Age Environments Revealed”
May 7, 2020. San Diego Archaeological Center, CA, USA. Virtual public lecture. (available online: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JPl3WuVNiKc)
May 7, 2020. San Diego Archaeological Center, CA, USA. Virtual public lecture. (available online: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JPl3WuVNiKc)
“Work/Life Balance – Life as an Archaeologist and Military Spouse”
Nov. 8, 2020. Bakersfield High School, Bakersfield, CA, USA. Presentation to high school classes.
Nov. 8, 2020. Bakersfield High School, Bakersfield, CA, USA. Presentation to high school classes.
“New Data from the Lone Valley in Southwest Germany: The Faunal Assemblage from Langmahdhalde”
June 29, 2017. World Cultural Heritage Lecture Series, Urgeschichtliches Museum Blaubeuren, Germany.
June 29, 2017. World Cultural Heritage Lecture Series, Urgeschichtliches Museum Blaubeuren, Germany.
“Chemistry in Archaeology”
April 26, 2017. Bakersfield High School, Bakersfield, CA, USA. Presentation to science classes grades nine through twelve.
April 26, 2017. Bakersfield High School, Bakersfield, CA, USA. Presentation to science classes grades nine through twelve.
“Discovering Archaeology – Native Americans of the Southeast”
Jan. 29, 2016. Brookstone School, Columbus, GA, USA. Presentation and hands-on activity with second grade classes.
Jan. 29, 2016. Brookstone School, Columbus, GA, USA. Presentation and hands-on activity with second grade classes.
“Discovering Archaeology”
Jan. 31, 2014. Soaring Eagles Elementary, Colorado Springs, CO, USA. Presentation to second grade classes.
Jan. 31, 2014. Soaring Eagles Elementary, Colorado Springs, CO, USA. Presentation to second grade classes.
Dec. 7, 2012. Scientist in the Spotlight, Natural History Museum of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT, USA. Hands-on educational activity station for museum visitors.
Dec. 7, 2012. Scientist in the Spotlight, Natural History Museum of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT, USA. Hands-on educational activity station for museum visitors.
Lab work at the Paleolithic excavations at Hohle Fels Cave, southwestern Germany.